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Our House Projects


Axelin has helped many companies come to market. In addition, we've created many home-grown projects. This page highlights Axelin's projects and collaborations.

Software Developers Guild


The Software Developers Guild was an education website and blog aimed at software developers. It's aim was to educate developers about legal and business issues in their industry. It covered both independent and in-house developers and addressed topics such as non-competes, stock options, incorporation, contracts, state law, tax issues and compensation.

Athigo, Inc.


Athigo, Inc. provided cloud-based mobile security soltuions to enterprises that want to secure their mobile user base. It worked on Android, iOS and Windows devices. The cloud-based server combined Java, Oracle, Google Web Toolkit and Google Visualizations to provide an always-on scalable solution.

Agenda Messanger


Agenda Messanger is a smartphone app that integrates messaging (email, text, im, etc.) and calendar into one view. It was aimed primarily at Google users, but then expanded to cover additional solution providers.



An off-shoot of our management consulting practice, PAES was a provider of financial analytics for microfinance. We provided initial design, development and deployment of the solution using Python, Pylons, DB/2, VMWare and Excel. We worked with PAES until it was acquired by Trilinc Global.

Bitcoin Analytics


The Bitcoin Analytics project aimed to analyze arbitrage opportunities in the nascent and disparate Bitcoin markets. The project achieved a high degree of accuracy in uncovering exploitable inefficiencies, but the volatility and legal uncertainty led to its closing.

Equiso, Inc.


We provided management consulting services filling the CTO role for Equiso. Equiso was a Kickstarter project that developed a small Android-based media player that was eventually sold nation-wide in Walmart stores. Our role spanned from mid-Kickstarter to complete rollout in Walmart.

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